Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
White Eagles, scenario #18: Drawn Sabers
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Poland
Play Date 2011-05-18
Language English
Scenario WhEa018

I needed a great Cavalry scenario and this one hit the spot. The Polish units come in from the south and German units come in from the north with the objective of exiting from the south and eliminating Polish units, the Polish must stop them. I finally got to use a (Taczanka) machine gun mounted wagon unit with the Polish! The Polish cavalry units have a much better direct fire value than the German cavalry units but the Germans have more units. Both sides have a few support units and the Germans have some off board artillery but the Polish have an excellent morale of 8/8 in this scenario.

This is a very hard puzzle of a scenario to solve for both sides, as both sides have mainly cavalry units which can assault from two hexes away. One side is mainly trying to avoid contact and exit the opposite side of the map. Positioning and movement is very important for both sides. The Polish cavalry are a little faster, but some German units that don’t get tied up in the middle of the battle escape off the map but not enough. The units locked in combat or too slow must fight and the higher morale of Polish cavalry and high Direct Fire are too much for the German units. The Polish only have a few step losses while the Germans have many more and the German units that don’t exit count as victory point for the Polish as well. The Polish win a Major Victory by one point.

This was a fun scenario to play and I am still by far, not a master of cavalry units, they are challenging.

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