Panzer Grenadier Battles on September 20th:
Counter Attack #45 - Crossing the Han Polish Steel #9 - Our People are Beating the Drums
Land Cruisers #6 - Bring me the Head of St. John the Baptist
Alaska's War #9 Yamaski's Attack or Shoe on other foot
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2011-04-30
Language English
Scenario AlWa009

With the road being the quickest way across the board the Allies set up in depth three lines deep across it and within four hexes of it. Since the Axis has to eliminate ten steps before they can attempt to exit the board, they must go where the Allies are. So they attack down the road. But the strongest Axis attack comes in the arctic hills to the north, forcing those Allied units South of the road to abandon their positions and cross the muskeg to get in front of the Axis advance. The Axis had good initial success eliminating seven Allies steps in the first hour. Over the next several turns the Axis continued the advance but were beginning to take losses. By 2345 losses mounted for both sides. In addition, the Axis were not able to make any headway down the road. Over the next several turns Axis losses further mounted. Despite now having eliminated 12 Allied steps they themselves had lost 15 and the Col. had been eliminated. It only got worse for the Axis after that. The Axis still had made no progress down the road and had lost several steps in the process. The advance through the arctic hills was hampered by the now arriving Allied units from the foxhole lines south of the road. A number of Axis steps were lost approaching existing foxhole positions in the arctic hills north of the road. One of these positions was eliminated by the Axis but it was not enough. By 1130 it was all over. No Axis steps had left the board's west edge and 30 Axis steps had been lost to the Allied 14. Allied victory. Lt. O'Bannon completes the campaign with 11 leadership points with which he adds one point to his morale level making him now a 9-0-1 Lt. He is not promoted on the die roll. So now he advances to Kwajalein then Leyte and finally Okinawa. If he lives.

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