Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
1940 The Fall of France, Scenario #13: Lords of Steel
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2010-01-01
Language English
Scenario FaoF013

There were so many scenarios that I haven’t tried from this game, that I had a hard time deciding which one to play next.

Lord of Steel looked interesting, a smaller size scenario with a nice mix of counter types, only 20 turns and a chance for the French to go on the offense, followed with the Germans going on the Offense once their reinforcements arrived. So cool, both sides get to play Offense & Defense in this scenario.

I won’t go in it detail in this brief AAR but the game was a (draw) if the 1 step of Bufla counts as one victory point, but if it counts as two, then the Germans would have won?

German Step Losses:

1-Bulfa, 1-37mm AT, 1-PzII, 4-ENG, 1-INF GD,1-SK232/8, 2-HMG GD, 1-Wagon, 1-LT.

13 Points lost

French Step Losses:

1-HMG, 4-INF, 6-FCM36, 2-LT

17 Points lost

Town hexes controlled: 3-German, 4-French, 2-contested.

If the Bufla counts as one step and isn’t doubled, then it is a draw, Germans 23 VP to French 21 VP. One side had to win by three for a minor victory.

Kind of a fun battle to play! I don’t know why one would even try to put units on the west side of the board to flank the enemy, as with only 20 turns, there really isn’t time to mess around with that, even with 6 German ENG units.

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