Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Those Brave Boys Do It Again
Author Blackcloud6
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-04-06
Language English
Scenario PzLi001

Note that pictures are available on my Facebook page at:

2 May 1944, Scenario Set Up. Germans (elements of Fusilier Regiment, PG Div 'Grossdeutschland') in a linear defense with main effort in the center of the board. Soviets (elements of 93d Guards Rifle Div and 3rd Tanks Cords. Main attack to seize east-west road in center, supporting attacks on the flanks.

0815 hrs; Soviet main attack moves towards Hill 256 and their attack positions. German artillery fire falls and disrupts some units. The supporting attack elements move under cover on both flanks.

0830 center and east: Soviets move forward and to the east to escape artillery fire that states to have effect, destroying 2 steps of Guards infantry. The Germans push infantry forward of Nicola to try to observe enemy movements to call in artillery; however the Russian artillery hits them first and demoralizes them. The artillery battery may have to fight on its own.

0830 on the west side of the battle: not much action as the Guards take up positions in front of the town. An air strike hits the town as the Guards' commander thinks the German FO is calling in artillery from that position. The strike has no effect.

0845 hrs: The Soviets push on to Nicola and get set for the attack. Soviet artillery beats up on the German Grenadier platoon in front of the town meanwhile in the center the Guards still are moving through the woods. The Soviet commander commits his SMG company mount on T-34s to the Nicola fight. They are moving down the trail to the towns NW.

0900 hrs: The fight for Nicola heats up whit the Soviets assaulting the reduced grenadier platoon and destroying it and killing the platoon leader. The German artillery unit is now on its own, with only the direct fire of their guns to hold off the Russians. But they stand up to the fire. The town is threatened as the SMG company dismounts and prepares to join into the assault. The Germans reinforce with a Platoon of Stug IIIs. This hinders the move of the T-34Cs. meanwhile, on Hill 256 the Guards move into attack positions supported by the dreaded JSU-152s

0915 hrs: The Guards begin their assault on Nicola, engaging the German artillery crews in close combat. Fighting rage on in the town. The other batteries hold off the Guards just outside the town. The Russian Army assault troops close on the town and lose a T-34C from the Stug III just to the west. On Hill 256 the Guards close with the German and heavy small arms fire and artillery exchanges take place.

0930 hrs: The Soviet attack on Nicole progresses as the assaulting infantry gains a foothold on the town taking out a German gun platoon. The reinforcing RKKA troops enter the west end of town engaging more German artillery. On the east end, one German platoon limbers up the guns and tries to escape. The Stug III platoon to the west of the town kills more T-34Cs in an exchange of fire, the Russian tanks miss. Meanwhile in the woods on Hill 256 the fighting rages with the Russians entering on position but other German platoons hold off the assault. The dreaded JSU-152s begin to engage the Germans at point black range. The Guards try to flank from the east but meet heavy artillery fire called in from the OP position on the south hilltop of Hill 256.

0945 hrs: The Russians continue the attack in Nicola as one gun platoon escapes. Fighting on Hill 256 continues to rage but the Fusiliers hold fast. The fearless Stug III platoon to the west of Nicola kills more T-34Cs; Iron Crosses will be award in abundance in that platoon. An abrupt turn end keeps the Soviets from rallying many troops.

1000 hrs: Nicola falls tot he combined red Army and Guards assault; one of four objectives achieved for the Soviets. The Stug platoon attempts to hold off advancing Soviet Infantry and receives fire from form the remaining T-34s. No losses but the Stug platoon may now be cut off. Hill 256 has turned into a slug fest. The Germans rally some troops but the Soviets reinforce and get into many positions. This issue is in doubt for wither side. Another turn end roll stifles Soviet rally attempts.

1015 hrs: The tenacious defense continues in the woods on Hill 256 but the Germans take some losses as the Russians reinforce. This fight could go either way. The Soviets consolidate in Nicola as the Stug III platoon tries to escape under fire; this time the T-34Cs strike taking out a step of Stugs. Some of the Soviet infantry moves forward from Nicola and is threatening the mortar position in the woods just east of Hill 256. There now will be pressure on the German right flank.

1030 hours: A lull in the fighting in the woods on Hill 256 takes place as both side try to rally and regroup. But artillery continues to fall and causes Russian casualties. On the east flank the T-34s and infantry push into positions to attack the German flank while a German mortar platoon and the remnants of the Stug platoon scurry to safety.

1045 hours: The weight of the Soviet attack finally starts to crush the German defenders. With the JSU-152s in the assault, three of the five German positions along the road fall with heavy casualties. Now the entire German position on Hill 256 is about to collapse. As the German AT guns hook up to their prime movers, Russian T-34Cs dash past, there may be no escape. German artillery is still having effect but it is no longer stopping the Guards' Juggernaut. The battle is now going to shift to Board 24 where although the Germans have a tight grip on the ground, they may be too weak to hold any of the N-S road hexes.

1100 hours: Mostly a turn of movement as the Germans scramble to get troops to defend the N-S road on board 24 (left side of picture). As the Germans try to pull out the AT guns from Hill 256 saddle, a JSU-152 destroys one of the transports with a gun, killing the German force commander directing the effort. This paralyzes the German troops in the vicinity. The T-34C company races to board 24 and is in a position to hinder German reinforcement efforts south of the town.

1115 hours: An abrupt turn end did not allow for much action. The Soviets were able to get the tanks along the Board 24 N-S Road and the Germans got an infantry platoon on the road in the light woods to start digging. The Guards in the woods rally and assume positions to resume the attack to clear out the rest of the Germans. Some artillery falls in the woods to little or no effect.

1130 hours: the Guards continue to mop up the German positions along the board 14 E-W Roads but German artillery called in from Hill 256 continues to cause casualties. This may be the downfall of the Russians as they are almost at the same level of casualties as the Germans. The Guards are about to launch their attack on the Board 24 town, and the Germans hold back their artillery, anticipating such a move.

1145 hours: Time is running out for the Soviets. They launch their final attacks with the battalion (-) on the north hill on Board 24 moving out to attack the town in the center of the board. The Germans pummel them with artillery as the Guards close on the town , some brave the fire, many waver and some break. Germans call "danger close" and hit some of their own troops on the east side of the town. A JSU-152 shows up to assist the attack; will it be in time to matter? South of the town the T-34C company prepares to assault the two German platoons digging along the road. They will attack without infantry support but may be the best chance for Russian victory. Sporadic fighting continues on Hill 256 bu the Russians are gaining control of the hill.

1200 hours: The Guards' attack on the town on Board 24 falters as intense German artillery fire falls. Even wit a JSU-152 platoon in support it looks grim. On the N-S road, the T-34s assault and shake up one German platoon. A reinforced company form the hill assault moves out towards the town but is hit, and slowed by mortar fire.

1215 hours: The Russians push forward their armor to make the assaults on the road positions. Two T-34 platoons have moderate success disrupting the German infantry platoon they attacked. But the other platoon attacking the Pioneers gets hammered with panzerfausts. JSU-152s arrive and are poised for the final assault. Russian infantry is stalled by furious German indirect fire, it will be up to the Russian tankers in a desperate gamble. Russian losses are still higher than the German losses; this could be the clincher for the German forces.

1230 hours: The Soviet armor assaults fail to achieve their objective of clearing the N-S road on board 24, nor did they cause step losses that could have given the Russians a minor victory. One more assault on Hill 256 had the highest change to destroy enough steps for a Russian win but they rolled too low. The game ends with artillery falling all around in an attempt to cause another step or two of casualties. The Russians only got two of the five objectives so it is a minor German victory. From the reading I did on the battle this is pretty much what happened. Great game!

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