Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Last Battle "redeux"
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-04-04
Language English
Scenario WhEa020

Those of you who read these AAR's will know that I said I would revisit this scenario after admitting that I had played this one badly as the Poles. Or as my honourable opponent wrote I had miss-manged the battle. We both agreed on what would be the best Polish strategy in this scenario when we reviewed our game. This would be to throw every available INF CYC HMG and ON unit into the battle for the main town on board 10, then use a CAV screen to the north in an attempt to slow any advance from that direction down. This would be a solo effort just to see if using IMO the best tactics for the Poles would it make it a worthwhile scenario. The short answer is No for a FtF game, but more rewarding for the solo player. This time round the Poles did inflict losses on the German forces but even so by GT14 the Germans had amassed enough points for a minor victory. The Poles can counterattack of course and in this game they inflicted a minor reverse on the Germans and took back two town hexes. This temporally took the result back to a draw, but time is on the German side (44 turns is along haul) and slowly the artillery and pressure from the north pushed the cavalry screen out in to the open where they were destroyed in short order, by GT25 the game had settled into a stalemate in the main town with neither side wishing to risk assaulting the other and the Germans capturing the other town hexes on board 21. This resulted by game end in another major German victory. As I said as an exercise for a solo player in how to take town hexes and as a simulation of the situation its an OK scenario as a game for FtF its not recommended

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