Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Roer River Battles, Germany Under Siege, Scenario #7, Sergeant Jake Lindsey
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-01-01
Language English
Scenario RoRB007

This scenario, looked very interesting to me. Nice mix of unit types on both sides of the fence. 12 turn scenario and not too many counters, perfect for a faster game.

The German basically have to defend the town hexes on board ten and take out American steps and hope their reinforcement come in soon, as they are kind of spread thin but they do have three entrenchments, three strong-points, three minefields and units not starting in town or heavy wood hexes can start dug-in. Other than that they have an odd unit mix to defend with but the Jpz IV/70 is their best asset to slow all the American armor down, until at least a Panther platoon comes to help out in the reinforcement mix. They can also use the woods to the South as a natural barrier but still they are exposed to the flanks as they don’t have enough units to cover everything.

The American have the same objectives: take control of the town hexes on board ten and kill German steps. As the attacking force they are kind of spread thin as well and really need those reinforcements to come soon, as this has a 12 turn limit and the mud will really slow movement. On a good note they will have some air support & artillery. I finally get to use the M10 and a Sherman Jumbo counter as well. The Engineer counters, all three of them, one being a FLM unit, will be very critical. Visibility also increase as the game goes on.

The German setup most of their forces to the West and North, the two area most exposed to the American attacks and use the forest to the South as a natural barrier and the road to the East open for the promised reinforcements. The Americans come on from board 25 and decide not to take on that mini Stalingrad fortress head-on but to flank it on both sides. A big risk as with only 12 turns and mud slowing movement down and terrain to the south being very difficult but we’ll see.

The Americans proceed with their two prong flanking attack. Why face that frontal assault, on fortified areas, if I don’t have to. At first I noticed I had two too many Sherman counters on the board and pulled them off before they made a difference.

In the early turns the Americans rolled first activation a lot, sometimes three before the Germans got to react, so this help get the offense going. In the beginning the Jpz IV/70 took out a step of M10 but it was eventually overwhelmed and taken out by more Sherman’s & M10’s. Some of my American Infantry got caught out in the open by German Artillery as the Visibility increased. The worst unit in trying to figure out what to do with, was the truck loaded 57mm AT guns. I should have just left them in the rear but I thought I might be able to bring them up to block the German reinforcements but with the mud, they were too slow and the German got their reinforcement on turn two.

This early arrival of the German reinforcements has now put a lot of pressure on the Americans, as they can no longer just stroll around the flanks and the Germans can now cover a lot more area for defense. The American got their reinforcements on turn 4 but is this too late to get them across two boards in the mud with only 8 turns left? I lost a truck loaded with a 57mm AT gun. The Americans are now knocking at the door on the Southern and Northern flanks but the Germans are adjusting their force as well. To the South, the Americans were able to slip some units adjacent to a Panther unit which activate in time to take out the Sherman Platoon, both steps but not in time to avoid an assault all alone in an urban hex. Not only that but the Americans rolled for an INF AT result and rolled high, taking out a step of Panthers, followed by the assault which took out the other step. The German are now without any armor but some halftracks. They do have a small gun and one of the strong-points has a AT value, which to my surprise has a two value and rolled a 10, taking out another step of M10 TD, which only has a defensive value of 2.

The Americans were able to penetrate some of the Southern city hexes and controlled two at one time, before one ended up being contest again. Both sides lost some more infantry steps and the Americans one leader. Only the first group of American reinforcement played any part of the battle, helping to knockout one entrenchment with the help of the FLM engineer to cancel the Fire First. I also took out one Strongpoint, which turned out to be a dummy.

The finally result was not enough time for the Americans. That mud hurt, slow reinforcement and early German reinforcement sure bottled things up and changed this battlefield. For what it’s worth, the Germans had a good defensive setup. But tomorrow will look more promising!

The American lost 13 steps and one leader but controlled only one city hex on board 10 and had a second one contested in an assault, as the Germans went to reclaim it. • Total of 14 American Victory Points.

The Germans lost 12 steps but controlled four city hexes on board 10. • Total of 21 German Victory Points. • Minor German Victory according to the scenario!

A fun scenario to play and I finally got to push a Jumbo Sherman counter around!

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