Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Author Bart
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-03-19
Language English
Scenario EFDx014

Played solo.

Weird scenario this one. Wattodoo with the setup? There seem to be no setup restrictions for the KDO unit so they could as well set up right on top of the troops on the bridge. To give the poor Russians a fairly fair chance I set up the unit adjacent to the bridge which I occupied with the 46mm and the 4-2 Inf + leader with the 1-step Inf adjacent to them. I also decided to put a SMG unit 3 hexes west of the bridge, not yet realising that the loaded KDO could drive around the guys and pull a nose in the process.. Well they, after all, would play a role to a certain extent, before becoming extinct ;-)

The rest of the support troops I set up in town as sort of tactical reserve. The Russian situation was hopeless from the start. The Germans received 2 segments at start and the KDO immediately drove up the bridge, "dismounted" off of their truck :-) and assaulted to totally paralysed bridge guards. Before they could say "Njet!" they lost an Inf step and the 46mm (6 on the assault roll). To make things worse, the far off sounds of the short firefight immediately triggered the 8th Panzer detachment. The triple-2's jumped forward and in no time the hapless SMG saw himself almost surrounded. They feebly tried to support the bridge troops next turn, but without much success. The rest is history, by turn 3 the Pz38t's drove up the bridge to support the KDO unit which had almost cleared the bridge by then. The 3 hexes which had to be in control were so 3 turns before the end of the scenario.

Conclusion: The Russians did not stand a chance from the start. A totally one-sided affair which immediately reminded me of scenario 2: Sneak Attack. If the non-bridge units could setup a little closer, maybe the Russians have a better chance.

Following the current setup restrictions the bridge can never be destroyed. Luckily so for the Germans as, although river crossing numbers are given, there's no Engineer unit in German OOB that could help them across (Major River) ;-)

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