Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The Last Battle- More Like The Final Rout ?
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2011-03-15
Language English
Scenario WhEa020

This was yet another randomly picked game that was played ftf with Wayne Baumber. On initially seeing the scenario, I thought it was going to be a very tensely contested battle. It has many options for initial dispositions and entry of each sides troops and should therefore lend itself to multi-plays with varying results

The initial positions of the Poles requires them to set-up around a town area in a quite densely wooded area. This town is/will/should be the lynch-pin of the battle. If the Poles lose this along with casualties, there would be little in the way back in for them barring suicidal charges.

The Germans obviously understood the importance of this town as they put by far the majority of their forces there, including the best of the officers and all the HMG's to lay down some serious firepower on the town. Another section of German infantry and guns secured some other towns further north.

The opening exchanges of the battle proved to be gritty around the town. Not many casualties, but the Germans having to work hard to get forward as the Poles stood up to any fire received quite well (and laid down some of their own). However, a reinforcing section of Polish infantry were caught in the flank as they tried to enter the town and this seemed to be the start of Polish problems ? Despite having held the town with not too much trouble after the first 5 turns of the 44 scheduled. The Poles inexplicably up'd sticks and began withdrawing from this all important town (Adamov). The Germans responded by swarming in and around the area and were soon assaulting, machine-gunning and shelling the heck out of the defenders turned retreaters.

Here after, the Poles simply could not gain any balance, and with initiative now lost, the carnage continued. In very short order, The Polish commander was forced to concede having already sustained 21 step losses to a zero German casualty sheet. It proved a very disappointing day for Polish arms.

I rate this a 3, but I suspect Wayne may rate lower. With some reason, he states he believes it unbalanced BUT only more plays will tell and of course, different set-ups and tactics will decide whether the Poles can do better. Its not often I would say a battle was poorly managed, but I think the Poles made some serious errors on this one. I certainly look forward to see other results, particularly head-to-head games to see what other plays produce

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