Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Divisione Corazzta, Scenario # 7: Tank Battle
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Britain
Play Date 2011-02-26
Language English
Scenario DCor007

I set this scenario up as I wanted a desert battle with Italian tanks and I wanted to play another unique battle and tryout the P26/40 Italian tanks against the British Grant tanks. Pretty equal when you figure that the British get to start dug-In to off-set the 1 point higher value of the P26/40’s compared to the Grants. The Semovente 90mm could hurt you any where on the board however but had to keep it’s distance with that weak armor factor. The main victory conditions were road control and enemy units eliminated. The Italians had more infantry units overall but all the British units were dug-In including their armor.

In setup, I divided the British into two groups, the Northern or main body group and the Southern group which would be no pushover either. The idea was, that if the Italians did conquer the Northern half of the map that they would be too weak to get the job done in the south and lose more units trying to clear it. That is pretty much what took place and the British came away with a Minor Victory.

The scenario setup said to place hill markers here and there but I just used the map as is, as there were already enough hills and this was kind of a hypothetical scenario anyway, so who cares where the hills are located, as long as there are hills. I doubt it made that big of a difference. I enjoyed playing this one.

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