Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Road to Berlin, Scenario #61, Rautenkranz Bridge
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-01-01
Language English
Scenario RtBr061

The German Armor (Hetzer, Sdkfz 234/2 & the SPW250 with Engineer & Leader will always get to the Town east of the river and the bridge first, as they should setup in the Eastern board 18 town hex. The Soviet units will enter from the East edge of board 19, so even the T-34/85's won't make it before the German odd assortment of armor does. The German armor blocked the Russian armor from approaching the bridge and took out one of T-34/85's steps but on the next turn, the three remaining steps, took out both steps of Hetzer and both steps of armored car; SdKfz 234/2. In the next two turns, most of the German Infantry, coming from the nearest forest hexes on board 18 beat most of the Soviet Cavalry to the East side town hexes and reinforced the Engineer & SPW250 bridge hex with two more infantry units, not to mention the Stbunfr Leader counter. The remaining T-34/85's were taken out in foolish town hex assault without Infantry support and the Infantry Anti-Tank rolls were a real killer on the Russian armor. It took me 6 attempts to blow the bridge when I wasn't being assaulted. The first five, I rolled 0ne's believe it or not, each time, talk about frustrating! This gave the Soviets time to assault the bridge hex, but from only one hex away, with Cavalry. I have more Infantry units against their weaker Cavalry units, their only hope was to take out my Engineer but this proved too difficult, as he was never alone. On my sixth bridge blowing attempt by the Engineer unit, I rolled a six and it was game over, as the Soviet force had been mauled and had no was steam left. Both sides lost some Infantry/Cavalry steps but the Soviets took the worst of it and lost a leader as well. Other then the SPW250, there wasn't any armor left on the board. The game lasted only about 12 turns with a clear German Victory and the German army remained pretty much in good order accept one HMG and two GREN units, with step losses, of course their armor was gone, it had to buy the time and was thus sacrificed. Really a pretty cool short scenario! The Russian don't have time to waste and must get to the bridge fast and fight it out right away, must not give the German Engineer time to blow the bridge. The German must protect the engineer unit and push a delaying force in front as fast as possible and no one will reach him before he is reinforced. This is a night scenario but the Cavalry can still assault from two hexes away; special rule 3 in this scenario. I enjoyed it.

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