Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Assault To Victory !
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2011-01-08
Language English
Scenario BlSS030

This scenario was played face-to-face with Wayne Baumber

Let me start by saying I am not a fan of the tiny scenarios and never have been in any wargame arena. So these will always struggle to gain more than a 2 rating from me unless they really do have something clever or special about them.

This scenario was brought to my attention by Tracey Love a few days before this play as an idea for one for selection in a choice of 6 sent by him. I looked at it and decided there and then that it would be too bland to spend time emailing to and fro. It would be far better used in the capacity of what I call a "Throw away scenario". These are ones Wayne and I play out when the 'Main Feature' has ended early.... AND that is how this came to be played.

It is basically two companies of SS Grenadiers attacking in the dead of night towards a hill area that they will have to clear within 9 turns. Against them is a single company of US Infantry and a platoon of HMG's. Both sides rolled similar officers, quite poor except for one each.

Visibility is minimal, 1 hex, so to get in and dirty, you have to go adjacent with all its inherent risks. The SS attacked with overwhelming numbers toward a US platoon on the crossroads and having negotiated its oppotunity fire, they then proceeded to tear the enemy platoon to pieces in very short order. Then it was on to the hill.

This really came down to the advantage of the winning of the initiative. The US had been reduced to 0 initiative due to his casualties, whilst the SS remained on an initiative of '2'. Most times the initiative roll worked for the Germans, though the US won a couple. But on what appeared the most crucial roll for AS, when point blank fire, recovery and a crucial assault were all in the balance, the SS won it and managed, on the last turn to eliminate the last US forces.

They took the hill. On another playing, the US are and will be quite able to win this.

Casualties were Germans 1 step, Americans 8 steps.

Just a '2' rating from me. It was not boring (which is what I give a '1' to), but can not be considered standard PG fare (a '3') as there is simply not enough to it.

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