Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
30th rolls a little to far
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2011-01-01
Language English
Scenario AaGI004

At first look at this scenario is look a little unbalanced toward the Americans. They have a large battalion level force, reinforced with tanks and aircraft to attempt to overrun a smaller German force without tanks and only one AT gun to defend against the tanks. But there are several factors that can make the scenario balanced. First morale, both sides have the same morale, 8/6. This is big because it requires the Americans to overcome that full strength morale which is not easy. Second, leaders with a morale bonus. If the Germans get two or three of these leaders it will be a long day for the Americans. Third is setup. The Germans can setup in the town and the two ridges to the east and west. This gives them long fields of fire to hit the Americans before they and do damage to them. Finally, American confidence in their numbers. If the Americans try to "rule" the field with the tanks they could be punished for overly aggressive attacks. All of these factors came into play with the scenario for me.

Here is the brief synopsis of the play.

Setup - The Germans setup command in the town on board 24. The Major and two LT's setup with a potential AT, 75mm IG, 20mm AA, an HMG and three GREN's. This will be the focus of the defense. To the north and east, a LT digs in with two GRENs and an HMG and on the east ridge a LT is dugin with another potential AT Gun and a GREN holding the small town on the ridge. To the east the mortars are on the lightly wooded ridge so they can self-spot the road where the Americans are likely to advance. A GREN holds the north spur of the ridge. Reserves are positioned to support the east and west ridges controlled by the two German Captains.

The Americans setup in a two pronged advance one group moving down the woods and light woods on the west side of the boards. The second, a smaller reinforced company moving down the road with the M4's and M10's to provide fire support on the town and pin down the Germans on the east side of the town.

9:30-10:00 Americans move on boards and start their advance. P-47's bomb and strafe the light woods north-east of the town. The air attacks payoff with the double demoralization of a German GREN. German leaders start the German OBA at the advancing Americans generating morale checks but no results.

10:00-11:00 With the infantry moving up in the fields on board 22, the American M4's begin to advance on the light woods. This exposes the German 75mm AT in the town, but the long range fire misses the tanks. American OBA on the town is ineffective. With the exposure of the AT Gun the tanks move to the east side of the light woods. From here they can fire at the dug in Germans as well as threaten the east side of town. The German LT on the east ridge knows that his AT gun ruse is over (AT gun was exposed in the town) moves down the hill to advance on the positioning tanks. The American infantry move up to establish a firing line, hit by OP fire they take a step loss in the advance. German OBA and mortars fire on the line and disrupt and demoralize some infantry units. In the west the Americans move up under the cover of the woods nearing the edge of boards 22 and 24.

11:00-12:00 Seeing the advancing German GREN, the M4's use there mobility to move around them and capture the small town on the east ridge. Other M4's open fire on the dug in Germans in the light woods to support the infantry attack. The dug in Germans prove to be tougher to dislodge from there positions. The spot for the German OBA targeting the advancing Americans. American aircraft continue to attack the light woods but have limited effect due to the leadership of the German LT. The American tanks look to move around the Germans to get away from so pesky GRENs that kept trying to get close to assault. The move south of the light woods and east of the town, but spot a German weakness. The east side of town is lightly defended. A HMG covers the northeast of town but east and southeast are only defended by wagons. The Americans cannot refuse the chance to take the town and move M4's to destroy the wagons. But the Germans had moved their 75mm AT gun to the town center hex and it looked like the American tanks are positioned to destroy them. But the Germans pull units from the north side of town as the American infantry is still a turn or two aways from the town. The GREN's assault the M4's but the Panzerfaust teams fail to keep up with them. The assault is still successful by demoralizing both M4's. The Americans move up the other M4's and M10;s to help the hapless M4's in the town. But they soon become entangled with aggressive German LT's and GREN's. At this point the American commander is enraged by the lack of control by the tanks. American infantry changes its advance and sprints toward the town to try to take the open town hexes before the Germans can move back.

In the western woods the Americans assault the defending GREN's supporting the mortars. They easily defeat them and advance on the mortars. Seeing the advancing American the mortars abandon their hill positions and head toward the town.

12:00-1:00 American tanks are very lucky. All are engaged in assaults but only suffer disruptions and demoralizations. AT shots miss throwing away the German advantage. The tanks are able to extract themselves from the fighting and start to recover. American air-cover starts to take a toll on demoralized GRENs in the town. Two step are lost to the air attacks. To the north the American Captain takes control of two INF's and charges the north town hex. In an assault the wipe out the only resistance to the north while the Germans are preoccupied with the tanks in the south and east. But by the end of the hour the German AT and Panzerfaust teams find their targets and destroy three steps of American armor and leaves two platoons demoralized. In the west, the main American attack starts the assault on the town wiping out the 20mm AA gun and forcing the remaining German command back to the center of town. The Americans assault the town center as well as take a majority of the town hexes. At this point the American have a major victory and the German have no chance to recover.

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