Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Polish Steel 1948 scenario# 7: Scythes from Radclawice
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Poland
Play Date 2010-12-28
Language English
Scenario PoSt007

Polish Steel 1948 scenario# 7: Scythes from Radclawice Posting #1

This looks like a fun scenario and I haven't played one from Polish Steel 1948 yet, so this is it, my first. I like this time frame for Hypothetical scenarios, I guess that is why I like Iron Curtain & Secret Weapons so well, as well.

• The armor matchup:

Polish Chaffee/Jackson vs Soviet M4A2/Su76

Pretty even.

• The Infantry Matchup:

Pretty even in quantity.

• Weapon support and on board Artillery:

Favor the Polish side.

• Off Board Artillery:

All Soviets!

• Helicopters:

All Polish.

The victory conditions are three points each for 7 crossroad hexes controlled & the usual enemy units eliminated.

This should be fun!

Posting #2:

I setup the Soviets in an interception formation. This worked very well in the beginning not having Armor Efficiency and a lower morale hurt. This played out much closer then I thought it would, as the Soviet were able to apply a lot of artillery and had some nice cross-fire bonus modifiers with their armor but their infantry did not hold up at all in this one. The Helicopters really did help in spotting though nasty Soviets mortars, to be fired on later by the Polish 25-pdr’s. I had to count the victory points on each side before I knew who won this scenario. The Polish won a minor victory with 9 points more then the Soviets but a couple of dice rolls either way could have changed the results.

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