Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Spanish on the March
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Germany, Spain
Play Date 2010-12-27
Language English
Scenario BluD008

This scenario features the Spanish moving up the road and needing to kill or demoralize every Soviet in sight. A strange affair, where the Spanish were actually successful due to some early highly successful town assaults and good artillery strikes against the Soviets in the woods.

The Spanish only lost an amazing 5 steps while completely wiping out the larger Soviet force. I didn't think they could do it. Soviet options are quite limited beyond holing up or running away. Soviet Victory (inflict more damage against the Spanish) seems impossible, so I recommend this one for solitaire play only.

Germans never showed up in this replay, and I doubted the Spanish chances, but they pulled through in the end!

It actually got tense near the end as in the final 2 hours the Spanish had 5 more Soviet platoons to eliminate/rout and just succeeding in time on turn 29.

Scenario Rating 2/5: Solitaire only. Soviet victory seems improbable.

(It's Christmas period, so I don't have the time for a full AAR at this time.)

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