Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The Spanish Ski Team to the Rescue!
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2010-12-18
Language English
Scenario BluD006

Note: Score will be denoted by (x-y), where x=Soviet casualties, y=Spanish casualties.


The Germans begin, depleted in the town with Soviets approaching through the woods to the west.

Spanish Ski Company is approaching from the north while the Soviet reinforcements will appear in the south (on turn 2)

Soviets approach the town and direct fire is exchanged with the Germans. They have little effect before the Spanish Ski Company approaches the north side of town.

Feeling the pressure, the Soviets assault into the town to minimal effect.

The Spanish enter the town. Germans and Soviets begin to rout out of town. Spanish brace for the impeding wave of Soviets still 1km to the south.

an hour and a half in (6 turns out of 20) and still no casualties (0-0)

Spanish chase the Soviets into the woods and half a platoon is eliminated. (1-0)

A depleted German platoon is eliminated along with another Soviet half platoon (2-1)

The Soviet reinforcements flood into town!

Soviets come under fire in the town and the Spanish mortar battery routs half a platoon before the Kommissar can rally. (3-1)

The assault takes a nasty turn for the Spanish as a Ski platoon is eliminated! Soviets get lucky! (3-3)

Spanish continue to attack and both sides suffer further casualties. (4-4)

Soviet HMGs get ready to fire. The Spanish are now in dire trouble.

Soviet fire eliminates a reduced German platoon. The Soviet Kommissar evens up the score. (5-5)

Spanish are now desperate as their troops are tied up in close assault. They initiate the attack and lose 2 steps to the Soviet 1 step!!! (7-6)

Again, the Kommissar evens the score (7-7)

The Spanish have taken too many casualties. They do their best to hold out.

German reduced infantry is eliminated as Soviet HMGs enter the town. (8-7)

5 turns to go. Spanish hang back defensively. Soviet HMGs are disrupted and have difficulty rallying. They can’t make any further advances. But they have captured enough of the town to gain a minor victory.



German SGT with +2 +2 modifier made the Germans much harder to crack than expected.

Spanish had some poor assault rolls, which ruined their chance to gain some “momentum”.

Soviet reinforcements rolled a “1” and came in as early as possible (turn 2).

I expected the battle to go like this:

  1. Soviets crush Germans
  2. Spanish crush Soviets
  3. Soviet reinforcements arrive and theirs a grand finale!

But the German SGT stopped #1 from happening and the quick Soviet reinforcements and poor Spanish rolling stopped #2 from happening.

Still, a good battle that played very quickly.

Scenario Rating: 3/5. Quick battle with some interesting elements.

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