Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Phyrric German victory with Soviet cavalry charging to destruction
Author Jockulus (Germany)
Victor Germany
Participants treadasaurusrex
Play Date 2024-02-03
Language English
Scenario PGUM006

The Soviets set up an effective defence, with the 76mm gun on the feature in the centre, the 45mm gun entrenched to the west, and a small ATR force to the east. The Germans sent a large force up the east flank with the aim of exiting to the north quick-time before Soviet reinforcements would enter. Meanwhile in the centre, mortars and guns setup south of the main feature with the aim of harassing and bombarding opportunity targets mostly on the hill. The advance up the east started poorly, with the 76' taking out a loaded halftrack. Undeterred the Germans pushed on past the ATR and exited a tank, two halftracks and 2 platoons. One objective was achieved but at significant cost, with perhaps over a third of the German force now out of play and unable to influence the battle. The Soviets continued to eliminate halftracks and were well ahead on losses, so were looking very likely to win. However, when Russian reinforcements arrived from the north, the defender chose a high risk strategy of charging the German armoured car that became isolated in the north. Through a combination of assaults and rather fortunate German artillery and air strikes, the entire cavalry company was eliminated, with the reduced armoured car platoon running away, only to face the ignominy of elimination at the hands of the ATR. The attackers attempted to capture the hill in the centre with tanks and two infantry platoons. The Soviets were very effective in bombarding the German mortars to the south, and pinning down the assault on the hill. The German tanks were quite lucky in surviving AT fire from the ATG and Russian tank reinforcements. At the end of the engagement, the Germans remained locked in the assault on the hill, but had inflicted sufficient casualties to claim the second objective, with the Soviets succeeding in the third by retaining all entrenchments. In the end, a narrow German win. Thanks once more to treadasaurusrex for guidance and advice through this final mentoring session.

1 Comment
2024-02-03 18:15

Succinct & well-written. A fine AAR.

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