Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Short work in the Shadow of The Minotaur
Author treadasaurusrex (Britain, Greece)
Victor Britain, Greece
Participants CavDo
Play Date 2023-10-17
Language English
Scenario POCH003

This was a 4-session play-through with the determined, CavDo leading the attacking German paras, against my defending Brits and Greeks. This turned out to be a rather unbalanced scenario that strongly favors the defending side. Luckily we ignored the FOW, or this one would have been even more in favor of the mixed defenders. We did use the excess initiative & consolidation optional rules. This fight was all about the gates of Heraklion, and the status of Greek/Britsh reserves to be fed into the maelstrom. It was mostly a somewhat tedious close assault extravaganza & die rolling contest. There is relatively little room for maneuver and no armor in this one. The Germans had a long series of difficult decisions to make, and were cursed with throwing 21 combat-7-die rolls in the course of our 15 game turn play-through.

As others have reported, this is one for the Greeks & Brits to lose or draw, as their is little chance of a German win. I give it a relatively generous 3, and my worthy opponent, an A, for aggressive effort. This conflict simulation scenario is probably best played in SOLO mode.

1 Comment
2023-10-17 15:26

I concur on all points and did not like playing this scenario. Save this one for solo play only. The outcome is just too likely to mirror what happened historically for this to be a good option for shared, online play.

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