Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Another Bloody Near-Draw
Author ACav (Japan)
Victor China
Participants treadasaurusrex
Play Date 2023-09-11
Language English
Scenario ChOp006

Again, a punishing and overlong scenario with the cunning and fun-to-play; Treadasaurus as the Chinese player in a movement to contact fight -- but him playing without any AFVs as his penance for squeezing out a minor victory over my glorious but inept Japanese Legions in a 5-session shot. We both drew wretched sets of leaders in this early morning slug out of a rather gamey battle. I lost my senior leader on the 6th turn -- in fact the Japanese lost 6 Lieutenants and 2 captains. We played with the FOW, consolidation, smoke and excess initiative rules.

This scenario should have a re-written set of victory conditions for this Verdun-or-The Somme-like fight, as it was too easy for my estimable opponent too get his large Chinese force off the east edge of the battle map by the end while also ALMOST inflicting enough casualties to give the Chinese a second victory objective. This should be a 20-22 turn scenario max.

I give this one a generous rating of 2, and recommend shortening it and doing a victory condition rewrite. I did learn some things from my erstwhile opponent about recovering from multiple leader losses, softening up enemy positions with adjacent-hex fire fights, before attempting assaults -- and sequencing attacks with proper reserves at hand. It is a good introduction for solo play IMHO.

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