Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
City fight
Author Bart
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2010-12-03
Language English
Scenario BaBu002

Played solo.

Interesting small sized scenario which was decided only an hour before game's end.

Only an hour or so into the scenario the Germans field promoted a private to Sarge (event 9) and more events were to come..

Soon the fight developed as an ordinary city slugfest with tremendous losses on both sides, losses which the Americans couldn't afford. The Germans were assisisted by their frequently available artillery, something the Allies lacked on crucial turns. On top of that, at 11.30 their communications to the artillery were cut and no arty was possible for 3 turns.

At 11.00 New Orders were issued to the Americans losening the victory conditions to occupying all but one city hexes, but shortly after that the amount of losses were to high to gain a victory. The fight ended with both sides losing 12 steps, which is huge compared to their starting OOB. It resulted in a Major victory for the Germans. They occupied 3 hexes at gameĀ“s end as well.

Noteworthies: - The Germans used their artillery about 70% of the time, the Americans about 20%.. - At 12.00 a thunderstorm developed which lasted until game's end - Both sides lost 2 leaders.

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