Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Stop the Raid on Sened Station
Author treadasaurusrex (Germany, Italy)
Victor Germany, Italy
Participants Capt. Chaos
Play Date 2023-07-11
Language English
Scenario AAAD015

This was a fun-filled 5-session play-through with the playful & redoubtable, Capt. Chaos leading an attack by elements of the US 1st Armored Division’s Combat Command A. I led the defending troops of the Italian 50th Special Brigade. The American side drew an excellent set of leaders. The Axis leaders were notable less able. We played with the FOW, smoke/illum, extended assault, tank riders and excess initiative optional rules.

In addition, we used the following three house rules: 1) Road Movement for Mechanized & Foot Units All FOOT & MECHANIZED units may move on roads at the rate of 1/2 a Movement Point (MP) per road hex, just like MOTORIZED units, 2) Standardized Movement for Mechanized Units All mechanized units may move through clear hexes at a movement cost of only 1 movement point (MP) per hex, instead of 1 1/2. Add one to this cost if moving up or down slopes hexes. 3) Dug In Units in slope Hexes are Automatically in Limiting Terrain in Desert Games Unless prohibited by special scenario rules, ALL units that are dug-in on slope hexes are considered to be in limiting terrain and are only spotted if enemy units approach to within 3 hexes, or 4 hexes for reconnaissance units – unless they are marked with a spotted marker, see 8.22.

Our initial session (game turns 1-2) featured the broad front, movement-to-contact of the American combined arms task force moving ponderously east. Highlights of this first episode included some very accurate long-range AT that eliminated the American M-3/105 SPH. By the end of the session, the US side had fully occupied the large, east-west wadi on Map 78.

The second session (game turns 3-5) was a continuation of the, slightly-dented, 3-pronged American movement to contact. The advancing US task force lost 6 more steps, and began encountering considerably more fire power in the second echelon of Axis defense, including a minefield (Hex 79-0416) immediately adjacent to Sened Station. In the north a headlong charge of Stuarts and M-3 Halftrack emerged from the northernmost wadi on Map 78 during game turns 5-6. In the center, the Americans launched a pair of mobile probes as the bulk of their infantry continued moving east up the long east-west wadi on Map 78. Simultaneously, in the south, a brave armored spearhead closed in on the Italian’s hilltop gun emplacements in Hex 79-0515.

Our prolonged 3rd session (game turns 7-9) was an especially costly episode for both sides! The updated step losses were 21 for the advancing Americans, and the first 2 step losses for the Axis. The US attackers merged into a 2-pronged effort. Both Italian steps lost were dug-in, hill slope artillery emplacements on the southern margin of Map 79. This event cleared that essential hilltop and allowed a short-lived, US armored probe to briefly occupy the east Hex of Sened Station (Hex 79-0611) during game turn 8. Accurate short-range, AT fire from the lethal German 88mm platoon caused considerable havoc in the center of the battle map as some excessively brave Stuart light tanks & M-3 halftracks tried to support an American close assault in the wadi just north of Sened. By the end, there was just a single intact Stuart tank platoon in the south. However, the strategic American right flank movement had gained considerable maneuver room, preparatory to an anticipated lunge at Sened Station from the south.

The fourth session (game turns 10-12) included the arrival of two prongs of the American movement-to-contact in the vicinity of Sened. Frighteningly accurate, long-range German AT fire continued, resulting in the US side being reduced to only a single M-3 halftrack platoon. The US right flank attack from the hills south of Sened made good, but costly, progress and that initiated a close assault on the easternmost hex of the town. The updated step losses were 25 for the besieging Americans, and 2 step losses for the Axis.

Our fifth session (game turns 13-17) featured many fiercely contested close assaults & adjacent-hex fire fights, mostly in the vicinity Sened Station. The only US armor unit remaining was a single step of self-propelled mortars. The final step loss tally was 33 for the Americans, and 3 steps for the Axis. A combined total of EIGHT combat 7-die rolls were thrown in this session. There were 5 FOW-shortened turns of the 17 played.

As there was no further possibility of even a minor US victory, by mutual agreement, the American side conceded at the start of game turn 77. We recommend this scenario for both SOLO & SHARED play, and we agreed that it merits a rating of 5.

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