Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Push the Italians Back & Liberate Sened Station
Author treadasaurusrex (United States)
Victor United States
Participants Daedalus
Play Date 2023-05-18
Language English
Scenario AAAD021

This was a 6-session play-through with the indomitable and quick thinking, Daedalus, leading a force of dug-in Italian infantry holding in defensive positions in the vicinity of Sened Station. I led elements of Combat Command D of the green, US 1st Armored Division. We played with the consolidation, smoke/illum, extended assault, tank riders and excess initiative optional rules. We ignored the FOW optional rule in this encounter. In addition, we experimentally used the following four house rules: 1) Road Movement for Mechanized & Foot Units All FOOT & MECHANIZED units may move on roads at the rate of 1/2 a Movement Point (MP) per road hex, just like MOTORIZED units, 2) Standardized Movement for Mechanized Units All mechanized units may move through clear hexes at a movement cost of only 1 movement point (MP) per hex, instead of 1 1/2. Add one to this cost if moving up or down slopes hexes, 3) Dug In Units are Automatically in Limiting Terrain in Desert Games Unless prohibited by special scenario rules, ALL units that are dug-in on slope hexes are considered to be in limiting terrain and are spotted if enemy units approach to within 3 hexes, or 4 hexes for reconnaissance units – – unless they are marked with a spotted marker, see 8.22, and 4) Tank Leader Forward Observation Efficient tank leaders (full strength only) may spot for ALL artillery & air strikes in accordance with the normal spotting rules (8.0, page 19). Just as in the case of leader units spotting, this action does not require an activation. Nonefficient tank leaders may also attempt to spot for ON BOARD ARTILLERY ONLY by throwing a single die per attempt to spot a target. This action does require an activation. They spot the intended target on a die roll of 4-6.

The initial session (game turns 1-3) included a large-scale American, right flank, movement-to-contact starting from the northeast quadrant of Map 79. The bulk of this veering thrust was up the 40-meter hill mass and to the south along its eastern margin. The first Italian minefield was encountered in the wadi adjoining the southern edge of the large hill mass. Opportunity fire from Sened and Axis OBA accounted for 1 step loss to the attacking American side. The advancing GIs were rapidly closing on the garrison in the northeast portion of Sened. Only 3 combat 7-die rolls thrown in this session.

The second session (game turns 4-5) was a grim one for the attacking Americans and featured multiple short-range fire fights as they continued closing on Sened Station from the north and east. The north margin of Sened was particularly deadly for the Americans and their advance verged on collapse during both turns of this session, thanks in part, to a successful Italian air strike. Desultory long range AT fire was exchanged, and the sole Italian tank platoon was reduced to a section as a result of a lucky hit. The revised step loss tally was 8 for the US side, as well as 1 leader; and 4 for the defending Italians. Both sides lost a step of initiative. The victory points were now 17 for the Italians and only 4 for the US side. A major Italian victory at this point in the play-through.

The third session (game turns 6-7) featured the slight contraction & consolidation of the Italian defenses in and around Sened Station. Only 3 besieged dug-in positions remained on the north margins of the town to act as buffers. Multiple, adjacent-hex firefights took place along the town’s north & east edges resulting in the loss of another US infantry platoon and numerous morale checks for both sides. US OBA and a single Italian air strike proved ineffective. Long-range American AT fire eliminated a second Italian 47mm ATG platoon before it could be emplaced in the long east-west wadi on Map78. Both sides lost single leaders this session, and the Italian initiative fell to zero. The updated step losses were: 9 for the Italians, and 11 for the advancing Americans. The victory point tally was now 20 for the defending Italian side and a mere 9 for the US side – still a major Italian victory at this point.

The fourth session (game turns 8-10) consisted of numerous close range firefights in the North & East margins of Sened Station as the Italian defenses slowly contracted, and the American grip tightened. US step losses came to 9 in game turn 10. The American combat engineers completed clearing the first Axis minefield and began work on a second set of mines north of Sened. However, they also became a frequent target for Italian OBA and mortar fire. Many morale recovery rolls were required by both sides in this session and a combined SEVEN combat 7-die rolls occurred. Three steps of Italian units were eliminated, by either adjacent-hex fire, or accurate US OBA. In the last turn, the senior Italian leader was eliminated. The updated victory point totals were now: 18 for the Italians, and 12 for the Attacking US side. This equates to an Italian minor victory at this stage in the battle.

The fifth session (game turns 11-13) for the attacking GIs was a frustrating repeat of the previous session with multiple close range firefights on the margins of Sened. The Americans tried setting up a crossfire situation against the last step of Italian tanks only to have 4 (+1) AT shots miss! Then, the return fire eliminated a section of M-3 Stuart tanks in the wadi west of the town! A combined FIVE combat 7-die rolls were thrown. American OBA was virtually worthless throughout the session and the PG fates favored the defending Italians with frequent morale recoveries. Steps losses were: an even 13 for both sides at the end of game turn 13. The updated victory point totals were now: 22 for the Italians, and 13 for the Attacking US side. This equates to a major Italian victory at this stage in the battle.

The final session (game turns 14-15) featured a surrounded Sened Station Italian garrison fighting for its life. American units poured into the town from the north and east edges and bitterly contested close assaults began in town hexes 79-0611 & 79-0511, along with clear terrain hex 79-0410. The American vise continued to tighten in spite of some very poor combat and morale recovery die rolls. The last step of Italian tanks we finally eliminated by close-range AT fire and a last-ditch Italian air strike proved ineffective. At the mid-point in game turn 15, step losses for the defending Italian garrison had reached: 20, as compared to the American loss of 14. The final victory point tally was: 14 for the Italians and 23 for the victorious American side, in this hard fought battle.

The house rules that we tried worked very well in this play through. I give this slight unbalanced scenario, in favor of the attacking Americans, a solid 4 and recommend it for both SOLO and SHARED play.

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