Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Reconnaissance Blitz
Author Capt. Chaos (Germany)
Victor Germany
Participants treadasaurusrex
Play Date 2023-05-02
Language English
Scenario PGUM004

Reconnaissance Blitz

Reconnaissance Blitz is Scenario Four of the PG Uber Mentoring Scenarios. It is another short scenario, although oversimplified and very basic in its scope. It was designed and chosen to introduce reconnaissance vehicles and reconnaissance leaders, along with their associated movements and abilities, to new players. And as such, it is a scenario of maneuver for the Germans and opportunity fire for the Soviets. Since opportunity fire is not a new concept, it should be well practiced by now for the beginning student. Maneuvering, on the other hand, involves much more ‘time and space’ so at this point the new student has very limited experience and practice at it. So I would recommend that new students engage in this scenario as the Germans. Either by intent or happy coincidence, Reconnaissance Blitz hammers home the very valuable lesson from earlier scenarios that you must always keep your objectives in mind and give them priority. In this scenario it is very easy for the Germans to get side tracked by targets of opportunity that will inevitably cause a failure of their objective. Reconnaissance Blitz is my first scenario as a PG-HQ Private and I still find it beneficial to my progress to be alternating the PG Uber Mentoring Scenarios with the An Army at Dawn scenarios.

The German’s objective in this scenario is extremely simple and if followed it is impossible for the Soviets to accomplish their objectives.

I played Reconnaissance Blitz as the German recon units


In order to get an idea of what was behind the front lines, reconnaissance on the eastern front usually involved getting around or going through the enemy.

Played on map 5, the Soviets are manning the eastern front.

Game Length: 6 Turns First Turn: 0700 Hrs Other: River is minor

Soviets: Set up first Any Hex at least 5 Hexes from south map edge All units in eligible terrain may be dug-in 4x INF 1x HMG 1x 82mm 1x 45mm 1x 76.2mm 2x Wagon

Leaders: 1x CAPT, 2x LT Morale: 7/6 Initiative: 1, -1 for every 2 steps lost OBA: None Special Rules: None Germans: Enter south map edge on turn one or after Not all units have to enter on same turn or enter at all 3x INF 1x HMG 3x MTC 2x SK222 4x Truck

Leaders: 1x MAJ, 1x CAPT, 1x LT, 1x SGT Morale: 8/7 Initiative: 2, -1 for every 4 steps lost OBA: None Special Rules: 2 leaders my be designated motorcycle leaders with a movement allowance of 12 ( Designate motorcycle leaders as you would cavalry leaders)

Trucks and wagons count as steps lost or steps exiting map

This scenario is played with the optional initiative rules of rolling dice after 3rd turn to determine the initiative

German Objectives: Have more German steps exit off north map edge than German steps eliminated or still on the board at the end of play

Soviet Objectives: Obstruct the German objective


The Germans set up as follows:

• The Germans set up off the south edge of the map. The units were fairly evenly distributed amongst combat units, vehicles and leaders from east to west across the front, with the exception of due south of the minor river.

The Soviets set up as follows:

• The Soviets set up on the hill east of the north-south road and in the 2 fields west of the north-south road, with not all units initially visible to the Germans

• 1x infantry platoon dug-in in the north west Hex of the hill.

• 1x infantry platoon dug in and 1x HMG platoon dug-in in the northeast Hex of the western most field.

The Germans entered the map on the south western most Hex and immediately made a bee-line due north for the northern edge of the map. The Germans then moved the units directly east of those onto the map and again made a bee-line for the northern edge of the map. This second group of units would eventually run into the fields so it was decided to maneuver around the fields to the west. The reconnaissance leaders of these two groups of units spotted all Soviets not initially observable in the two fields. They spotted 1x INF platoon, 1x 45mm Anti-Tank Artillery platoon, and 1x LT, all dug-in in the southern most Hex of the western field, along with 1x non dug-in Wagon.

The Germans then moved their western most units onto the map south of the western edge of the minor river. Once past the river they moved to the northeast to flank the hill on the east. The reconnaissance leaders spotted the remaining unobserved Soviet units on the hill. They spotted 1x INF platoon dug-in in the southeastern Hex of the hill. They also spotted 1x 82mm Mortar Platoon, 1x 76.2mm Anti-Tank Artillery Platoon, and 1x CAPT all dug-in in the southwestern Hex of the hill. Also 1x Wagon nondug-in.

All Soviet units are now visible.

The Germans then moved their remaining off map units (in two separate groups to split any op-fire) straight north up the north-south road in the center of the map.

While enduring withering op-fire from the Soviets, along with a direct fire attack from multiple adjacent Hexes along the road, and all the while exercising Herculean self control in order to not engage any targets of opportunity, the Germans met their objectives with 16 steps moved off the northern edge of the map with only 2 steps left on the map and 6 steps in the graveyard.

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