Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
No Thought or Play Testing - Avoid this Scenario
Author treadasaurusrex (Germany, Italy)
Victor Draw
Participants Sonora (AAR)
Play Date 2023-03-04
Language English
Scenario DeRa021

Alas, another unplaytested, unfinished mess of a scenario that Sonora and I tried, and failed to make work. Not worth your time to even set this one up.

This was only a single session attempt to play this seriously defective product, with Sonora leading the Commonwealth (British & Indian) side, and me leading the defending Axis force. We didn't get far as the victory conditions were ridiculous, and there is no real possibility of a Commonwealth victory. All the Axis has t do is sit in their atop the two hills in their initial set of multiple entrenchments, behind lots of wire and minefields. This results in WAY too many strongpoints for the ill-equipped attacking Indians to clear in 25 turns. As others have noted, the only thing to do is for the Commonwealth to enter the board and promptly dig in -- playing for the draw and firing long range OBA every turn. Of course the Axis player has the chance to attack, but they play it safe as well, and chose to cower in their entrenchments.

This was a most unsatisfying scenario that resulted in a frustrating draw. It may be historically accurate, but it's a really lousy game. I give this one a very generous: 1.

2023-03-04 12:27

Sounds familiar ;)

2023-03-04 12:41

As you reported, but did not actually say: the only reason to play this mess is the pretty PG-HQ campaign ribbon to satisfy the craving of one's "complete set disease."

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