Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Jungle Fighting #34
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2023-02-25
Language English
Scenario JuFi034

This one has the used up Japanese holding onto two positions that the Americans must clear with limited forces themselves while limiting casualties. The southern position was no problem, as they are mostly already reduced, and aside from a "2" roll on OP fire, arent really a threat to cause step losses. There is enough time to clear this spot as well. The northern position is far denser, and has a pesky x3 INf counterattack stack. Although no longer morale 9, only needing 3 step losses or leader losses, this is likely their best chance for success. They will also be getting reinforcements later in the game. They start on the board but basically arent.

Americans are kind of stuck for what to do in the north, if they advance it will be straight to the Japanese stack, which is what they need to avoid. They probably need to hustle up on the southern position and then reinforce the north with those units and hit it from both sides, but then time and the reinforcmeents are a concern. Americans thus move forward and face a t2 assault from the Japanese stack, which survives first fire and rolls a 6, and then kills 2 leaders on leader casualty rolls (lucky them).

Luck aside, this is not likely to be an American win as the northern position just has too much, especially once the bodies swarm from the west.

As an aside, it was really disappointing that once we drove further west than the map for historical terrain, the scenario is still using the same piece of map we fought over a dozen times already. Seeing as it is now a counts as area, we should be fighting over a different section of map so at least the terrain nuance is different.

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