Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Jungle Fighting #13
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2023-02-13
Language English
Scenario JuFi013

This one is nearly identical to Jungle Fighting 12 except both sides are a tiny bit weaker. This time the Americans decide to motion all of their troops to the Japanese right, and in addition to focus firing all their support on the exposed entrenchment, hit it solidly with both battalions in a hope to dislodge it. The drawback to this is the Japanese can make their defense denser on the right as they only have to prevent walk ins on the left.

OBA is entirely ineffective for the Americans, all 4 turns it is present. Air strikes do nothing, but werent really expected to. Sporadic op fire from the entrenchments scores a few disruptions, but only enough to force the Amercians to spend an extra couple turns. The only thing effective on approach is Japanese OBA which is able to fully suppress 1st battalions HMGs and send them fleeing.

With 1st batallion sweeping down into the southern jungle on the Japanese right, 3rd battalion gets ther HMGs in position to also fire on the exposed trench while sitting in the sliver of jungle up the middle. The rest of the battalion makes its wider move and hits the focused point in conjunction with 1st battalion through the Jungle.

Japanese play a semi active defense, still having their insane assault bonuses to stack. One x2 INF stack counterattacks the 3rd battalions HMG stack and drives them off before returning, while the other X2 INF stack hits approaching 3rd battalion INF in open ground. The US will feed enough bodies to keep that second assault going the whole game, pinning the Japanese in place and out of the trench line.

A third weaker counterattack of INF + 2x INF red hits 1st battalion in the Jungle and sees off 3 INF there, while the Americans finally roll well and knock out the two red inf and pin the last full inf in place.

The rest is able to get adjacent and start pouring fire into the exposed entrenchment which has 2xHMG. It takes a lot of fire but they ulimately eliminate one and dis the other and charge in after a few turns. They are able to contest the hex, but the last counterattack stack, returning from seeing off 3rd battallion's HMGs is able to fully win back the hex.

Had OBA for the Americans done anything at all they likely could have drawn this one, a win would only come if they could sneak an INF around the back or something to tag one more trench. Active defense with Japanese INF that cares not for step losses is still really tough to beat with morale 7 though. A Japanese win, but a close one.

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