Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tank Battles #35
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2023-02-03
Language English
Scenario TaBa035

German set up in this one is pretty obvious. Stack the town, and see where the Soviets deploy to move your HMGs into place. The Stugs sit outside the town dug in, in case something sets up in the field that needs to be flushed out, otherwise they are poised to swing into the Soviet flank as they move up.

Soviets have 2 bad options to start the game. They can either attack immediately and hit the town piecemeal, or they can wait for their reinforcements but potentially have half the game clock eaten up. Soviets decide to go in, trusting their artillery. They set up towards the Southwest of the town, so the Stugs are out of FoF with their 45s ready to pray for a lucky roll against them. The BM13s set up out of the way on 6.

Soviets move towards the town and score some disruptions to get adjacent in pretty good formation and order, but lose init on the crucial assault turn and are hit by German OBA and the whole thing goes belly up there. They never recover or get into a meaningful assault and wither away. Once a stack was fully demoralized, the Germans got aggresive and went for the knock out blow though, charging into assault with 3x INF and a leader. They arent able to fully clear the dem'd stack and Soviets pound it with OBA and BM13s with amazing rolls and end up with 5 of those 6 INF steps cleared off the board. At the cost of their own men too, but w/e.

This was enough for both sides to "win" and secure the draw before the Soviet reinforcements got on the map, as they had to wait until the free entry turn having failed all their reinforcement rolls.

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