Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tank Battles #33
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2023-02-03
Language English
Scenario TaBa033

This is a pretty straightforward infantry v infantry duel over board 6. Board 201/13 exists but is more or less out of play. Soviets hold the western half of the woods, and the Germans have to dig them out. Forces are numerically and morale equal, so its up to the Germans to win via set up and superior unit firepower. They do have a good bit of time to get it done, but it is deceiving because the Soviets can break off and run out the clock at any moment if they get their necessary kill count.

Soviets set up with their main body densely in the south, with aims to fire on approaching germans then fall back to the last bits of the forest in the west to fight it out. The north has a company with their AA guns, with the tanks in the middle ready to get out of the way of whatever AT gun placement the Germans use.

Germans put their guns in the south in a line, not really fearing a counter attack,, but just hope to poke the Soviets when they roll well. The put their HMGs in the outcroppings in the middle able to support the north or the south if the Soviets do counterattack. The infantry mass in the north so they can hit the weaker Soviet left and roll down through their formation hopefully.

Early suppressing fire from the German HMGs and OBA are largely ineffective, and a lucky OP fire kills their northern captain putting the whole offensive on an awkward foot, although they do push on. The crash into the weak side of the Soviets and clean up the positions while Soviet artillery targets the ongoing assaults. They do achieve 4 german steps lost, 1 shy of what they were aiming for. They have to keep putting more bodies into the grinder to keep pushing for one more step loss but they never get it.

Germans end up mopping up the rest as time expires. Close win, tough but certainly possible for the Germans.

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