Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tank Battles #32
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2023-02-02
Language English
Scenario TaBa032

This was the largest bloodbath in a scenario I have ever played. A massive Soviet force with low morale must plod through the snow, across 4 maps, taking it too a large German force that more or less only has infantry and artillery.

Germans set up their main body in the woods on 6, set up in as good of a line as they can. They sent forward a reinforced company of infantry into the woods on 3 to spot for arty and create a speedbump for the Soviets. The longer they can hold out, the longer the Germans can pummel them with arty before they hit their main line.

Soviets set up their massed arty in the town on 3, with a path for their turn 1 tanks to rush through. The infantry mass sets up along the river towards the west, leaving the clear approach on the east to hopefully advance through cover in the woods on 3 before hitting the German line. The plan is to just throw what they have forward while shooting up the tough spots, nothing unusual. The hope is to break the back of the line before the German reinforcements arrive. If they are set up in a good position by the arrival of the German Stugs they can hopefully win the duel and push on to the town on 1.

The German company on board 3 does its job, but is ultimately wiped out. The constant artillery manages to break up about half of the Soviet formation, which with armor support crashes into the Germans on 6, themselves depleted by the Soviet arty which is just as powerful as the Germans. Eventually the tides of bodies win out, and the Germans wither, simply having less. The Soviets then win the tank duel and take the town, with not much of a force left.

Casualties are massive on each side but the Soviets end up on top.

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