Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tank Battles #22
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2023-01-15
Language English
Scenario TaBa022

I suspect this scenario needs errata, as the excessive amount of BM-13s seems wrong. Nevertheless, I played as written as there was no obvious, correct number available. Germans have to defend two towns from 3 Soviet formations while the earth around them quite literally blows up. To do this they have a skeleton recon force. There really isnt much to say, this one is a breeze for the Soviets.

The German's only real hope is to heavily contest the entry of the Soviet BM-13s onto the board. Through AT guns, OBA, and air strikes they have a chance to knock some of them out before they can begin firing. Ultimately though, its not enough, and the other Soviet threats will still be able to get the job done.

Not much else to say.

Edit: I felt bad for ending abruptly. There is one more interesting thing about this scenario, although it doesnt salvage it from the massive amounts of rocket artillery. The Germans have 2 very small detachments that are assigned to the individual towns, while the rest is at large. Soviet VCs say they must control both towns, or only one while achieving enough kills. Because of this, the Germans can choose to evacuate one town and turtle in the other, and if doing so, the Eastern town seems to be optimal so you can still deploy with enough combat power forward to do an early fight over the BMs.

That being said, this town is the one with the bulk of the Soviet force to contend with, the Western one only having a Cav force, and in PzG Cav is generally pretty poor, especially when of the 1 range variety. A few bits assigned here might be able to fend off Cavalry probes into the town with the initial skeleton force. However, this is obviously less to add to the main effort if done this way.

My play attempted the abandon the West and turtle in the East approach, with the goal of eliminating the BMs with everything available. It didnt work. Still too many Soviets and not enough Germans.

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