Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Another Non-playtested & Unfinished Scenario
Author treadasaurusrex (Germany, Italy)
Victor Draw
Participants Reconquista
Play Date 2023-01-04
Language English
Scenario AfKo032

This was a frustrating 4-session draw that resulted when both sides were able to achieve their victory conditions. I played the attacking Axis side, and the boldly resolute, Reconquista, was the Commonwealth Commander. We used the FOW, smoke/illum, excess initiative, consolidation and extended assault optional rules. There were 8 FOW-shortened game turns in our play-through which materially aided the defending Australian & British side. As others have suggested in their AARs, we replaced the regular Italian infantry with the correct Bersaglieri infantry and HMG units in this poorly play tested, flawed scenario. Both sides drew crummy leaders in this extended brawl. The 2 turns of Italian air support proved completely ineffective. A combined total of 16 combat 7-die rolls were thrown in our play-through. Nearly all the OBA rolls for both sides failed to yield enemy casualties, but a number of demoralizations were achieved.

The less-then-optimal Italian unit morale caused endless trouble in terms of attack sequencing and perserverance on the 6 Commonwealth entrenchments. Nevertheless, the Axis side was able to take 4 of the 6 entrenchments at the cost of very heavy casualties and numerous morale failures. Final step losses were 16 for the Italo-German force, and 14 for the defending Australians & British.

This unfinished scenario is best played solo, but with the amendment to the Italian force mix that I and others suggest. I gave this one a very generous 2, but it truly deserved a 1, at best.

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