Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
No such a beautiful morning Frenchie
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2022-05-12
Language English
Scenario FaoF001

Wishing to finally complete this module, I decided to solo some of the more uninspiring scenario's. However this was a better scenario than it looks at first glance. A 15 turn one mapper, low counter density it's a battle with a company of Grossdeutshland INF supported by light armour which have to cross a major river and push out a company of French DGNS with armored car support from a small town. As usual the Germans have better morale and leadership. My game started with the ENG platoon attached to the GD pushing a small footbridge over the River Seimois and assisting an HMG and INF platoon to cross and take the town in the flank, meanwhile the remainder of the GD force attacked the bridge leading to the town using smoke as cover, this took some time and meanwhile the flanking force had taken some casualties while distracting the French and getting a small foothold into the town. However, this was the first and last German step lost and soon French losses where mounting, the French were unable to hold onto the bridges and were soon fighting in the town itself, though this house-to-house fighting was pretty bloodless the writing was on the wall for the French commander, and he chose to surrender to prevent needless loss of life. *Although somewhat one-sided for my taste this smallish scenario kept me entertained for a few hours, hard to see the French winning this one but who knows the fortunes of war. *

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