Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
We kind of, sort of think I won
Author plloyd1010 (Germany)
Victor Germany
Participants cjsiam
Play Date 2022-10-13
Language English
Scenario RtDk034

This game was played over 5 sessions using my rules rewrite and playing double-blind. Victory was determined by a relative point count of town control and body counts.

My opening was fairly conventional. A motor infantry company with armor support secured the large town on board 120 while my main force moved against the towns in the center of the map. The watergands forced some channelization, but not really detrimental. The large 120 town was quickly secured as I deployed for the real fight.

As I moved on the 2 small towns in the middle of the map. The Fife and Forfar's tanks engaged my light panzers by extended assault The battle lasted for 3 turns as the PzII's 20mm cannon eventually prevailed. My infantry closed on the towns. There was some disruption due to harassment by the field piece in the northern town. The first hex of the small 120 fell quickly, but the Welsh Guards rallied in the second and held their ground.

The Welshmen deployed to prevent the small 122 town from being surrounded. I created a large fire group to attempt to subdue it. Those attempts were largely unsuccessful due to an inspiring officer (turned out to be a lieutenant) in the town. The bren, with the major riding, knocked out a PzI with a lucky roll and misinterpretation of the rules. I sent an couple infantry platoons on a run to the large 122 town in an attempt to disrupt the field gun firing from it.

The limey major, with his bren, tried to run around into my back field. The watergands restricted his approach and I was able to block him on a road that ran between the obstacles. My fire line against the small 122 town was not having the desired effect. When the opportunity presented itself, I ran infantry in between the small towns of 120 and 122. Enough force made it in good order to start prying the Welshmen out of their positions. Meanwhile, the larger 122 town was revealed to be better garrisoned than expected and my infantry was run off.

Eventually, and rather belatedly, I began my infantry assaults against the center town hexes. It was not quite enough to take them. I wasn't expecting to get the town on 122, but the last hex on 120 was a disappointment. In the end I had 24 points to my opponents 19 (after redress of the misinterpreted rule). A victory by the slimmest margin and open to interpretation.

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