Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Many Scots and Futile Shots . . .
Author treadasaurusrex (Germany)
Victor Britain
Participants Blackcloud6 (AAR)
Play Date 2022-08-24
Language English
Scenario POCH002

This was a very long 3-session play-through with the patient and thorough, blackcloud6, as the attacking British Commander. I played the ill-equipped, German Airborne force assigned to hold the Cheretis Farm, as well as the north-south road – while inflicting as many casualties as possible. This was a scenario that is significantly unbalanced in favor of the Highlanders. It is suitable for solo play only IMHO.

The 1st session (game turns 1-9) mostly consisted of a cat-and-mouse long range DF dice rolling contest with an extended left flank move by the Highlanders, led by a platoon of universal carriers. Later, a company-sized German paradrop was successful during turn 7, landing on Map 98 just northeast of the town of the road. No casualties were recorded this session, although a combined total of EIGHT, combat 7-die rolls were thrown. The balance of the Scottish troops arrived the same turn on the south edge of the battle map.

Overall, the 2nd session (game turns 10-16) of this very tedious die-rolling competition featured numerous poor die rolls for the defending Germans and significantly better luck for the attacking Scots. The Highlanders methodically closed on the south and east of the Cheretis Farm and then several turns later, finally managed to break the morale of the small garrison, who eventually fled during the 15th game turn. In the north, the newly arrived paratroopers managed to push back the Scotties from the road but were not able to decisively engage this force, who managed to dodge to the west and south, where they then proceeded down the road to occupy a portion of the 3-hex town. In all sectors, German defenses were collapsing inward, and the end was clearly in sight. In hindsight, it was a serious mistake to send the reinforcement north to challenge the Highlanders in the olive orchards along the road. They should have been sent south to reinforce the southern front and perhaps recaptured the Cheretis Farm.

Step losses at the end of this overlong session were at an even 4 for both sides, and after the German Major was eliminated, the defending side’s initiative fell to 0 due to decapitation. The victory point total had swung irretrievably in favor of the Highlanders, at 12 to 4, with all their geographical objectives achieved. A combined total of SIX, combat 7-die rolls were thrown in this session. The very slim hope was for the paratroopers to inflict an additional 5 steps losses, and perhaps secure a portion of the north-south to deny a major victory to the Scots.

The final session (game turns 17-18 ) featured the abject rout of the remaining German troops in the vise that had formed north and south of the 3-hex town. The ultimate victory point total was: 14 for the victorious Highlanders and 5 for the defeated German paratroopers. A combined total of only THREE combat 7-die rolls were thrown in the last 2 turns.

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