Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Surprised SS fend off American paratrooper attack
Author campsawyer (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants Shad (AAR)
Play Date 2010-11-05
Language English
Scenario ElsR020

This scenario is a short night action where the American paratroopers assault a lone German garrison holding the town of Chernoux. The Germans are on the defensive and have the terrain while the Americans have better morale and slightly more troops. Night plays a big factor in the attack as the spotting range is just 2 hexes. We use one house rule that the Germans would not be on the board until the Americans were within spotting range and the Germans stayed put until the Americans were spotted. This added a bit more tension to the game.

For a setup the Germans placed there units within the 3 center town hexes on board 22. The concentrated their troops to maximize the firepower. Given the Americans had higher morale, results of M or M1 will not do much to slow the advance. It would need to be step losses or possibly M2's to slow them down.

The Americans advanced from the southwest and south along the road. The first units the Germans spotted were the paratroops advancing up the road. Slightly stunned at the advance they tried to Op fire them but was ineffective. The next units up were fired at again but missed. The Americans sensed the Germans were too tired or they forgot how to shoot straight, advance more paratroops up from the southwest into assault position. The American M18 joined the advance, but the German StugIIIG spotted them and put an end to there advance.

The Americans rushed the Stug and their supporting infantry, stunning them with their attack. The Germans seemed posed to be pushed out of the town, but they rallied and repositioned themselves to fight off the American assaults. The German Stug moved to a better firing position, but the M18 took advantage and knock out several assault guns. Looking to follow up the kill the American captured SPW251/20 position for a cross fire shot, but the German SPW251/21 opened up on them killing them before they could fire.

The Americans continue to push the assault on the town, moving up PMG's to join in, but by now the German Op fire had come around and demoralized them as they advanced. The press was still on as the Americans and SS were lock in assault. Repeated tries by the Americans to push the Germans out we greeted by MP44 fire and grenades. Trading disruptions and demoralizations in would come down to who could recover and hold the town better than the other.

As the assault was going on the remaining Stugs pulled themselves together and knocked out the remaining American M18's giving them a significant lead. The Americans countered by moving up their last bit of reserves to attack another town hex. Again the German Op fire failed and the Americans were able to engage in assault with the Germans. This left two town hexes contested and two other in German control.

The Germans looked to recover their disrupted and demoralized troops as well as try to keep recovering American troops from coming back to join the attack. After a bit of time the Americans saw an opportunity to attack the Stug, now alone in a town hex. They pulled out there attack, survived the "free shot", but we hit by crippling direct fire shortly after.

At this point the American commander had seen enough, the Germans were still controlling the town and the American causalities were mounting. In the end a major German victory holding the towns.

We found this scenario very enjoyable and rated it very high. There was plenty of excitement, with the German fire missing and the Americans able to get into assaults. The game went back and forth unit the American armor was lost and the casualties mounted. A good scenario and a great Skype game.

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