Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Kind of like crabs....once they get behind your lines...
Author cjsiam (France)
Victor Germany
Participants plloyd1010 (AAR)
Play Date 2022-07-14
Language English
Scenario FaoF046

So, the defend the riverline over the 2 long boards. In my plan, the Town at the south held most of the value points, there were just not enough french, in my opinion, to hold the northern map areas, and the town to the south.... So, very little was assigned to the north.... My opponent, being the methodical SOB that he is, pushed everywhere and snuck his Dang Armored cars behind my lines to seize towns and in general be a nuisance(he is very proficient at such...). The Steps started accumulating---outnumbered most everywhere one tried to make a stand across the river. Not enough OBA to stop advances.... The Town to south does hold out ...and I actually had more Town the the Germans at end, but, the bridges are worth 3towns....and too many steps were lost. A couple big errors---letting the germans get shots at my reinforcements with light tanks--killing two platoons and officer--making the remaining platoon stuck..... Very difficult for the French me thinks to stop focused german attacks--not enough good officers, and morale is too weak. In the end, Major Victory for the despicable Le Boche.... I gave it a 3, as I think there is just not sufficient French to stop the Germans. It's entertaining, but the french are always without sufficient power to damage german efforts...only delay them, and eventually fritter away....

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