Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Heraklion Scenario One: "Thin Red Line" — (Debut Panzer Grenadier Solo-Learning Play!)
Author Mikirk
Method Solo
Victor Britain
Play Date 2022-07-02
Language English
Scenario POCH001

The Brits stumbled into a confusing situation, basically. They really didn’t know the Rules very well, and consequently forgot to do a lot of important things. Such is the nature of green troops. Plus, having read somewhere that the German infantry had nothing to counter the limping Matildas, they just “drove them up the road” right at the marching Luftwaffe platoons. Needless to say, they disappeared from the map in the first assault…

So, imitating the enemy’s early success, Tommy moved right into Cheretis Farm and engaged the seemingly hapless half-platoon garrison stationed there with an able commander. There ensued many many, too many action segments and game-turns during which an approximation of the Founding Father’s conception of a properly executed Assault procedure was, let’s say, “bungled”. The outskirts of the farm also saw skirmish after inconclusive skirmish, disruption and recovery, recovery and disruption, &cetera, into the quickly descending darkness, which shortened up everyone’s range of vision, fire, and movement.

Even the slopes, which had somehow magically overridden the strict scenario instructions, held little sway in terms of decisive advantage or obstacle. But eventually the Brits prevailed in the tiny one-hex hamlet, though they were stymied from any significant progress forward. However, actual losses were minimal—only that one aforementioned waltzing Matilda section. Whilst the small Luftwaffe contingent took something of bloody nose in their 7-step loss.

It sure didn’t LOOK like a Major Victory as the night wore on, but the tally said otherwise.

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