Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Pound your way through
Author Blackcloud6
Method Solo
Victor State of Israel
Play Date 2022-06-01
Language English
Scenario SwIs021

The Israeli Granit Task Force has the mission to drive to the Suez Canal at Kantara. Along the way they encounter an Egyptian blocking force blocking the causeway of a salt marsh. The Egyptians have dug in infantry and t-55 tanks. The Israelis have a mobile force in AMX-13 light tanks and jeeps.

The Israelis opt to attempt to knockout the south flank T-55s and then attempt to outflank the position around the south flank. However, the tank duel does not go as planned and weakly armored AMX-13s take heavy losses before destroying all the T-55s. the Egyptians maneuver their northern T-55 into a good position that forced the Israelis to come forward. Now the Israeli commander is faced with reducing the Egyptian infantry blocking force and bulling through across the causeway. This works with air support pounding the Egyptian positions. With no threat to the AMX-13s, the Israelis hammer the Egyptian infantry throughout the morning and finally breaking them by 0930. But the price was high in AMX-13 casualties.

In the real battle the Israelis held back with the AMX-13s in along range duels and tried to outflank the position with the 106mm RCL jeeps. The Egyptians counterattacked with the T-55s into the marsh and mired all the vehicles. Once the infantry was without tank support and outflanked, they simply withdrew.

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