Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 17th:
Four-Five Commando #5 - North of Aqaba Saipan 1944 #12 - Aslito Airfield: The Army Arrives
Blue Division #17 - El Dedo Saipan 1944 #13 - The Marines Try Aslito Airfield
Invasion 1944 #14 - Jitters Saipan 1944 #14 - Third Time's A Charm?
Polish Exiles #11 - Marne-Rhine Canal Saipan 1944 #15 - Counter-Landing!
Saipan 1944 #11 - Foothills of Mount Tipo Pale Swallows of Death #29 - The Dauphin Crossroads
A worthy but bloody draw.
Author waynebaumber (France, Morocco)
Victor Draw
Participants treadasaurusrex (AAR)
Play Date 2022-05-16
Language English
Scenario DiMa003

Played over VASSAL in six two - three hour session this scenario has the Germans holding a sunken railway line against a horde of French colonial troops, the German have rather mediocre armour support with the French having even less armour support. The VC's favour the French in as much as they gain a major victory by eliminating German steps, the Germans have to gain ground west of the railway and inflict more casualties for their major victory. I had presumed that my honourable opponent would initially fight a defensive battle then counter attack when his reinforcements arrived bit I had underestimated Treadasaurusrex's thirst for glory. He launched a strong attack on my flanks which caught me on the hop, this coupled with his happy knack of rolling double 1 at the most inappropriate times had me reeling by GT6. However there came a slight lull in the German offensive as the efficient German artillery decided to concentrate on knocking out my A/T guns. This gave me the chance to regroup and counterattack launching a surprise attack through a dummy minefield, Felipe responded quickly and the attack was repulsed but at least I was finally making him react to my moves. I then attacked on both flanks and slowly pushed him back in the south while things got very bloody on the North . By GT 11 I eliminated enough steps for a major win, could I deny the Germans a major win as well by taking more town and wood hexes west of the railroad in the final few turns, further attacks in the south and centre initially gave me hope but French losses were now very heavy and these final attacks were unsupported and lacking in strength to eject the Boche from the towns they had taken in the first few turns. Solid scenario but lacking in much space for manoeuvre though, Felipe play an excellent game particularly at the start of the scenario and although he claims he was playing for a draw from the start I was very defiantly doing so in the middle stages. We fight on!

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