Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Overwhelming Firepower meets Unlimited Rash Bravery
Author treadasaurusrex (Japan)
Victor United States
Play Date 2022-05-14
Language English
Scenario Saip003

This was a 1-session play-through of this short scenario, which ended at the beginning of game turn 7 by mutual consent. Wily Gun5linger played the probing USMC Commander from his HQ in Utah. A left flank combined arms Japanese attack was thwarted by substantial and well-positioned US firepower and an adroit counter attack by supporting USMC armor. Ineffective Japanese OBA managed only harrassing fire on the mostly-dug-in Marines, and 2 additional Japanese thrusts were met with withering DF and close assaults. In all, 2 steps of Marine infantry were lost, as opposed to 9 for the Japanese side by the negotiated finish on game turn 6 (1315).

The Japanese Commander conceded the game, though he did have a single infantry unit in one contested beach hex (0405), faced by overwhelming Marine firepower in that hex and two other assault hexes. We figured that it was only a matter of time before the Marines would triumph in this unbalanced, but interesting scenario.

I suggest that this is a nice quick introductory game that is probably best played in solo mode. I rate it a 3, mostly because it was fun to play with another enthusiastic online newcomer to PG. A good way to get used to moving and fighting in various kinds of jungle and overgrown island terrain.

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