Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Black Panthers, scenario #15: Tank Hunters at Dusk
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2022-03-31
Language English
Scenario BlkP015

Black Panthers, scenario #15: Tank Hunters at Dusk

My first Black Panthers scenario and the poor 761st Tank Battalion only has three Sherman tank units to support the 87th Infantry Battalion against the Germans 2 JpzIV/70 units and 2 Jagdpanther units and boat load of Infantry.

The turns are all two hex visibility as it is night and the Germans have three victory objectives and levels to achieve or not. The Americans setup largely around or in the larger town hexes on map 23 and by good fortune were able to knockout two steps of a German Jadgpanther unit, totally destroying it and blunt some German Infantry approaching the town in the dark and snow. That was the good news but once the Germans regrouped in the snow and darkness they attacked with full strength and with the help of a ton of off map artillery.

The American Sherman tanks were pretty much destroyed with the exception of half a step that headed south in bad shape and next the American Infantry paid I high price in blood.

By the end of the scenario, the Germans had achieved all three of their victory objectives for a Major Victory.

Maybe I should have chosen to defend in depth as the snow slows movement down to a crawl but that would most like have conceded the town on map 23 earlier and at best only given the Germans a minor victory, so Its pretty much all of nothing on this one, unless you get lucking on the town hex fighting earlier. That 3 x 16 off map artillery really helps the Germans and the Germans have better armor, more Infantry, though the reduced strength GREN really such when they get to half-step (2-3). Still an enjoyable scenario to play.

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