Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
"Plucky" Italians hold off rampaging Maltida's just
Author waynebaumber (Italy)
Victor Italy
Participants treadasaurusrex (AAR)
Play Date 2022-02-07
Language English
Scenario AfKo007

Played over 4 session on VASSAL, this scenario has a small but extremely well motivated Australian infantry supported by Brit Maltida tanks attacking Italian fortified lines. The Italians have to start spread out as they have to man every entrenchment but can soon consolidate around a main line especially if your opponent does not like the FOW rule. The initial Australian attack is repulsed with some losses for both sides, the few Aussie Bren gun carriers make some feint attacks but are dispatched by accurate long range shooting form the Italian anti tank guns. With the arrival of the Maltida's things slowly start to change and a strong Commonwealth thrust on the Italian flank using the line of A/T ditches as cover begins to change the momentum of the battle, however the Maltida's begin to forge ahead (typical British cavalry mentality) away from the INF, the tanks head for a gap in the anti tank ditch and begin to demand Italian surrenders while this is successful initially one brave Italian company led by the intrepid Lt de Christo charge one tank platoon and completely destroy it (a very lucky double 1) they then promptly surrender to the adjacent tank. Although Italian losses were now mounting up and entrenchments were slowly falling time and light was running out for the Commonwealth forces. As duck approached the Australian commander called of the attack. As the VC's stand this is a tough old ask for the Australian forces however not impossible and I think a well executed combined arms thrust might well succeed, the Maltida's asking for surrender and then Aussie infantry exploiting the gaps made by any surrenders. The VC's are not well written and my opponent has put forward new VC's with some small tweaks to the surrender rule and initial forces. I do not like the surrender rules overly much and am not sure they are realistic. I accept that there were times when large bodies of Italian and other troops did surrender but that was normally when the battle was almost over and they were looking at defeat anyway. The scenario itself as it stands is not overly exciting but is reasonably playable I hope that Felipe's amended rules make it a better game.emphasized text* *

2022-02-08 12:26

"As duck approached?"

What monsters are we fighting here?

2022-02-09 08:40

You have not that famous film from which I quote "Ducks Sir thousands of them"

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