Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
I think very challenging for the Marines
Author t1M0t8yk
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2022-01-13
Language English
Scenario Saip001

Japanese set up almost entirely in the 60% or so hex rows between the jungle just north of the town on board 80 to just south of the one-hex town next to the middle of the board 81 beach. This defensive area lies in all potential 28-hex clearing zones. The only exceptions were one hidden gun in each flank. Entrenchments were spaced at about equal intervals just north of the big town, just south of it, and two more on board 81. I had the Japanese shelter twelve platoons and several leaders in the trenches to reduce the effect of shore bombardment. They would have enough time to move to their defensive positions in turn 1, barring and early FoW trigger.

The American plan was to land in the same general area, extended both north and south just a few hexes. I think the Yanks lack time so I will hit the beach without softening up the defenders any more than with the pre-game shore bombardment.

As it played out the scenario didn't take very long. With a bulk of the AT guns in good order they started picking off numerous LVTs. Certainly the strong Japanese OBA also helped. By turn 4 all marines had landed, but by turn 6 I double-checked the victory conditions and realized it was already over. Casualty totals at that point were 9 Japanese, 26 U.S.

I like this scernario a lot; it is certainly different than the (mostly) ETO scenarios I've played. Perhaps I'm mistaken, but it seems like a really tough assignment for the Marines. Next time I'd try a slower, less aggressive approach.

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