Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Squeeze Play
Author Blackcloud6
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2021-12-28
Language English
Scenario BaBu049

I'm not one to like the "take the town" scenarios as they can degrade into a dice rolling contest. But this one was interesting because both sides get to attack the town. It starts with the Germans in Heidersheid with a force that cannot fully cover the town. The Americans attack from both the east and the west and put the squeeze on the Germans. Just like in the actual battle, the moon-lit night allows the Germans to shoot up the Americans as they approach the town. But over time in the early morning hours, the overwhelming firepower erodes the Germans until they finally collapse. The Sherman and Stug platoons trade kills and finally the Shermans get destroyed. But once it is apparent the town is going to fall, the Germans tried to escape to join up with the counter-attacking force coming in alter. But the Americans mopped them up by pursuing with a rifle company. The entire initial German force was destroyed.

The Counterattack force arrived on schedule and moved out with the infantry using the northwest woods for cover while the tanks hi the small American outpost line that dug in between the two wood lines. This outpost line allowed the Americans to hit the German infantry with artillery as it approached the town. But the Panzers pushed back the outposts and then drove on unhindered to the town hitting the north hexes with fire. The M36 Jacksons appeared and risked engaging the Panzer Kk IVs. Getting the imitative the Jacksons missed their first shot but killed an entire Mk IV platoon. But the other Mk IV killed the Jacksons. The Germans tried to whittle down the Americans to gain a foothold, but the US firepower was too much and tore up the German infantry. By 1300 hours it was apparent the Germans had little combat power with which to even attempt a meager attack. They called off their attack for a US win.

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