Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Too Severe for the Austro-Hungarians
Author J6A
Method Solo
Victor Russian Empire
Play Date 2021-12-21
Language English
Scenario FoEm008

In this scenario, a large Austro-Hungarian infantry force with relatively good on board artillery support and a lot of machine guns is trying to bull their way through a smaller Russian infantry force in good defensive terrain, also with a good number of machine guns and artillery support. The Austrians need to do 2 of the following three to win: take a town, clear the 40m hills and clear the main road. They have 30 turns, so plenty of time, right? Well, maybe, except that the Russians get cavalry and infantry reinforcements that can come in as early as turn 9, and then they outnumber the Austrians. Now it's a big challenge.

For the Russians, I set up 2 screens on the left and right sides of the map, a decent defense in the town, and put artillery on top of one of the 40m hills, where it could essentially see the entire map. I split the Austrians into 2 groups, with a strong infantry/MG force going up the main road, and another big force with the artillery going up the ride side of the map. Several companies started making their way through the woods slowly, both for protection and to outflank the Russians.

Early on the Russian artillery on the hill scored a few hits, disrupting and demoralizing Austrian troops and slowing the advance. However, the main mass kept advancing steadily, and crashed into the Russian front line, exchanging a lot of fire at 2 hex range. With their superior numbers, the Russians took the worst of it, and soon their front line troops were either dead or fleeing for the rear. However, they did their job and bought time, and the Austrians were still far from the town when the Russian reinforcements began to arrive. The cavalry took up defensive positions in the woods and hills in front of the town, while the infantry came in to hit the Austrian left flank and kick them off the road. 4 companies began the long march to reinforce the town, and the new artillery slowly began trudging through the heavy woods to the top of the 40 meter hill.

Undaunted, the Austrians pressed forward, slamming into the dismounted cavalry, and engaging them in melee. The Russians did try one charge against the Austrians, which didn't go well. The Austro-Hungarian troops also took a heavy toll on the Russians attempting to dislodge them on the road, and the AH also sent a force to try to take out the artillery on the hill.

And that's where the Austrians lost momentum. They could not clear any of the assault hexes despite consistently rolling on a higher column. Several turns ended from Fog of War before the Russians were forced to roll for recovery of their demoralized troops in the assaults, prolonging them. On the left, casualties on both sides began to mount as the Russians closed, and this began to work against the Austro-Hungarians as they were outnumbered. The force climbing the hill lost it's officer and was stuck taking point blank fire from Russian troops.

In the end, I stopped it after 24 turns when it became clear that the Austrians would achieve none of their objectives. While Russian casualties were higher (32 steps lost to 20 for the Austrians), they had the numbers to absorb those losses, and with so many Austrian troops caught in assaults, they were never going to be able to mount a serious effort against the town in the time remaining.

This is a tough scenario for the AH forces, yet I still give it a 4, because I think it presents a good challenge for both sides. In retrospect, I think I should have not stopped to exchange fire with the Russian front screens. I should have just said "I have the numbers now, I can take the casualties" and sent the AH forces directly at them, suffering whatever casualties they would suffer, and pushing past the Russian line (which was not solid) and tying up the Russians in assaults. This would have allowed the Austrians, at a higher cost, to attack the town before the Russian reinforcements arrived. Because once that happens, if the Austrians aren't close to the town, it's going to be difficult to get there, especially since the Russians can trade bodies for time and space without penalty.

This one showed off the system nicely, and I enjoyed it.

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