Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
#11 Wojtaszewski's Battalion
Author Juiceman
Method Solo
Victor Poland
Play Date 2021-07-25
Language English
Scenario DelP011

As the German armor advanced down the road unsupported they come under fire from two dug in Polish ATGs which which knocked out a step of Pz-Is which allowed the German panzers freedom of movement. The panzers then moved off the road to take under fire an unsupported AT position, eliminating this one threat.

The German infantry reinforcements arrived on time, for a change and helped clear the Polish blocking force, but it took time to clear all of the Polish forces. As the Germans advanced on the town they come under very accurate Polish HMG and infantry fire which disrupted and demoralized the German infantry advance. The lone Polish ATG in the town took out several German panzer steps, which defied any attempts to knock it out. In the end the stubborn Polish defence was able to extract a heavy toll on the German forces who did not win any of their VCs thus giving the Pols a major victory.

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