Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Surprise Victory
Author Juiceman
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2021-06-02
Language English
Scenario DelP003

Two reinforced Polish infantry companies have a large front to cover, are outnumbered 3-1 by the Waffen SS, but they are on the defensive with 3 batteries of French 75’s for support. The key to victory for either side will be control of the towns, 2 VP’s per hex, step losses and for the Germans 1 VP for each undemoralized step they can get off the south map edge.

German plan of attack was to go cross country by heading down the east map edge, avoiding the main road and large town that was defended by a reinforced Polish infantry company. The only obstacle to the German plan would be the other Polish company that was dug-in on a ridge just north of the small town on map 4.

As soon as the Waffen SS infantry was spotted the Polish artillery began to fire, since the three batteries were stacked together they fired as one massive barrage (no leader with a combat modifier). This demoralized a 1/4 of the SS troops who fled back to the swamp to try and recover, for these platoons it took most of the game before they fully recovered and those that were able moved west to envelop the large village.

Seeing how easily their infantry broke under fire the Germans decided to bypass the Polish strong point on the ridge by going for the town which was not defended. As the Germans bypassed the ridge to the east Polish opportunity fire disrupted and demoralized another ¼ of the SS troops, but these troops had the only good German leaders, 2 out of 9, with a morale modifier, which helped in rallying the troops.

Polish reaction was to detach two platoons with a Kapitan from the larger town to help with the defense further south, they arrived just in time to have a firefight with the SS troops for the town, at first the Pols had the upper hand but then their dice got cold. With about 7 turns left the fortunes for the Pols changed dramatically, first their artillery were spotted by the SS MG company and was eliminated thus denying their artillery support. Secondly they had several platoons attacking the village break.

In the end it was the Waffen SS ability to control 6 town hexes and get 14 steps off the south map edge while only losing 10 steps that gave them the surprise victory, if only a minor victory but still a surprise victory at that.

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