Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Arctic Front #5
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Finland
Play Date 2021-05-18
Language English
Scenario AFro005

This scenario sees a large Soviet force attempting to push through a heavily fortified finish line and take 2 towns, one in the rear area and the other along the line. Finns get entrenchments whereever they set up for better or worse, so strategic placement is necessary. They are expected to displace from their original set up once the Soviet attack develops, so this can truly be a double edged sword.

Terrain is also key. This, like many scenarios in the module has basically every hex being forest of some kind. The frozen lake rules apply to the river here, which is widened to 3 hexes across the map. The soviets are looking at a possible similiar situation to scenario 4, so must cross the river as quickly as possible. The Finns are spread even thinner this time, so they are hoping to be able to find a crack in the line to cross at and then move on from there.

The Soviets deploy in depth in the East attempting to force through the river line and take the front town from behind while sending stragglers north. They are able to get some bodies across the river as this section of the line is only held by 2 INF platoons of Finns, who are dependent on the displacing other areas to help out. Soviets are able to get large fire groups in place to get 3 turns of fire onto the entrenchments at the 22 column but roll 7, 8, 7 to no effect. That really killed the attack as they withered away under Finn bombardment and adjacent fire on the frozen river.

The displacing Finns assault their way through the Soviet horde until there is nothing organized to oppose them.

I think the poor dice rolls prevented me from really getting a good read on the balance of this scenario. Normally a whole Soviet Regiment would be able to knock out 2 platoons of Finns, entrenched or not :)

It just didnt happen for them this time. I still feel the balance is off here in favor of the Finns. I suspect most scenarios in this module will end up that way, but we shall see as they roll by.

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