Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Last. Turn Surprise!
Author SARACV3
Method Solo
Victor Australia, Greece
Play Date 2021-04-19
Language English
Scenario PoCr035

I’ve never had a game in which victory was radically snatched from defeat. The Greeks, due to a special rule, had to roll a die to enter the battle- 1-3 caused them to sit out the battle. A 1 was rolled, and just as what happened historically,, a communication breakdown occurred between the Australians and Greeks. So the Australians pressed forward to capture Prevoltia. They needed to control 3 out of 6 hexes of the town as well as eliminate 5 enemy steps. The Germans had to control 3 hexes and eliminate 8 steps of Aussies.

The Australians were getting pummeled for the first 12 turns. But with luck, they evaded German OF, and entered the town in hexes that the Germans had vacated. Two more hexes were captured on the fateful turn 14. The Germans occupied the other three hexes , figuring they fulfilled at least one of their objectives. But the Australians had other plans. They launched a spoiling attack against a full stack of Germans; a 75rcl, 1para and a MG. The Australians had 2 inf. and an HMG. This assault actually began on turn 12, and despite heavy casualties, the Australians did not abandon the attack. This resulted in the Germans losing control the hex and losing the game. Both sides achieved their second goal on the last turn: This was a total surprise for the Aussies; in an assault on a German position that had gone on for 10 turns, a 2 was rolled resulting in a 2X. This gave the Aussies 5 German steps eliminated, thus fulfilling both objectives.

The final outcome was a major victory for the Australians. It was very close. The Germans destroyed 8 Australian steps; achieving the final Aussie step elimination on the last turn. With this, it appeared they would win, but they did not control three hexes. The Australians, with their assault on one of the three hexes spoiled a German victory. I didn’t see it coming!

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