Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Battle of the Bulge #27
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2021-04-03
Language English
Scenario BaBu027

I always try to at least give an idea of why a scenario receives a rating of "1". This one unfortunately is a complete mess.

To start with, the scenario instructions are unclear at best, unusable at worst. As others have noted, the setup area for the Germans as written cannot house all of their units, even when triple stacked. This leaves the players to try to discern intent if "and" should be"or" or if the area should be an enter the board from these hexes instruction (which is common in this module), or something else entirely.

It doesnt end there. This scenario does not tell us to ignore the town on board 11 (we have been in the other two Desobry scenarios, and I believe this is intended to be the same ground. The other two Desobry scenarios are also inconsistent as to which woods/hills are in play, and if the ignored towns count as roads. This one is no exception. The puzzling thing even moreso is that it adds board 12 and it's town into play, unoccupied (with no road in the place of the river which is ignored mind you).

End result? No matter how you interpret setup, the Germans (historical attackers) will occupy the now present towns on boards 11 and 12 and wait for the already weakened Desobry force and reinforcing paratrooper infantry force to attack them. VC's from sitting in these towns is enough for the Germans to win, and any attack from the weaker Americans (and associated step losses) is icing on the cake.

So really, the setup instructions are a complete mess, it produces a completely ahistorical action, and it is completely imbalanced in favor of the Germans. These are not uncommon of course (BotB was the low point in PZG scenario design IMO), but altogether in one go is a rough experience.

I am curious at the high ratings this scenario has. I am using the first printing book, maybe the scenario received updates in the second printing? Unfortunately there are no other AARs with which to compare.

As one last aside, if you ignore all the problems and play this one historically anyway, the Germans will still overrun the Americans without much difficulty anyways.

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