Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Waves of Italian Colonials crash against the amba
Author scrane
Method Solo
Victor Italy
Play Date 2021-02-14
Language English
Scenario COOE006

This was a fun scenario. A reinforced battalian of Ethiopian Imperial Irregulars, stiffened by a company of regulars, hold a long steep amba ridge that stretches from NW to SE across the map. Ethiopians deploy in 2-platoon dug in strong points along the NE-facing slope, irregulars on the lower slope and regulars holding a few places behind them on the higher slope.

The Italians have four battalions of colonials, 2 each regular and irregular. Their goal is to enter from the north and fight their way to the west edge, exiting 35+ units. They have 8 hours.

The Italian irregulars enter first over two turns, with a battalion of regulars following 15 minutes later and the last battalion delayed by about an hour. One battalion of irregulars demonstrated against the west-central face of the amba while the 2nd irregular and 1st regular battalion headed farther east before turning south and assaulting the hill mass at a spot where Ethiopian forces were slightly thinner.

The battle was defined by the slow struggle to climb the amba in enough strength to assault the local strongpoints held by the Ethiopians. They held their positions, inflicting some losses and many morale effects on the Italian troops as they swarmed at the base of the amba. Almost simultaneously, assault forces of two platoons of colonial irregulars managed to get into assaults at both the western and eastern ends of the battle, inflicting unexpected step losses in both places. What had looked like a secure Ethiopian position was suddenly weakening. Over the next two hours the Ethiopians continued to take losses, to such a degree that the regulars pulled together a counterattacking force of infantry to try to relieve the pressure. Unfortunately, this force impulsively committed to another assault and suffered heavy losses. This essentially spelled the end of the Ethiopian position.

For the remainder of the battle the Italians painstakingly climbed the amba, bringing their full force into action all along the length of the amba. The Ethiopian positions were overrun everywhere except the far western end, which was bipassed and isolated, lacking effective leadership. The Italians, very slowly, managed to descend the southwest facing slope and take to the flat ground beyond, exiting more than 35 units with time to spare.

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